Site Seeing, an online world of news, film, art, music and literature from nine countries, was the first website to…, an online world of news, film, art, music and literature from nine countries, was the first website to…
Documentary filmmakers often struggle for years doing whatever it takes to finish our labors of love, only to find one…
Mary Katzke got both the idea and the money for her latest documentary unexpectedly: via a life-threatening illness. Misdiagnosed in…
During the Q&A after the first screening of American Movie at Sundance, director Chris Smith hailed his subject Mark Borchardt…
University of California extension 2000 Center St., 4th fl., Berkeley, CA 94704; (510) 642-1340 or 643-2788; fax: (510) 643-9271;;…
What is the Open Society Institute and what is your relationship to it? The Soros Documentary Fund (SDF) is a…
My desk is festooned with the fruits of two previous Independent Feature Film Markets: a cupful of pens, buttons, a…
"We’re not altruistic," says Jonathan Sehring, IFC Films president, "although somebody said at Cannes, ‘Oh, you guys are the one…
Although a nebulous-sounding job, a good rep combines the promotional skills of a publicist, the deal-making ability of a lawyer,…