
Going for The Jugular: Actor/Writer/Director Camille Hollett-French

Going for The Jugular: Actor/Writer/Director Camille Hollett-French

Ever doubt your sanity after selling your condo and moving halfway across the country? Meet Camille Hollett-French, writer, director, and actor of Her Story (In Three Parts): No. 3 In the Absence of Angels. Despite doubts and financial obstacles, her efforts were awarded when was selected to screen at the 2019 Slamdance Film Festival, the Park City film festival focused on emerging artists and low-budget independent films. In this piece, Courtney Gardner writes from a conversation with Hollett-French about the use of film to discuss sexuality and shame, and about what it means to go for the jugular.

Funding and Directing a Canadian Feature: MS Slavic 7

Funding and Directing a Canadian Feature: MS Slavic 7

Directors, Writers, and Editors Deragh Campbell and Sofia Bohdanowicz are adept at indie film budgeting or what they call the “microbudget.” In this interview, they talk about creating and funding their film, sharing some of the tips they’ve learned along the way, such as keeping the shoot to a minimal number of days, finding locations that would offer space for free, and raising funds from Canadian grants and screening fees.

Rendez-Vous With French Cinema — Feb.28-March 10

Rendez-Vous With French Cinema — Feb.28-March 10

Rendez-Vous With French Cinema unreels in Lincoln Center February 28-March 10. The 24th annual edition, co-sponsored by The Film Society of Lincoln Center and UniFrance, presents nearly two dozen new French dramas, most having their US or New York premieres. Senior film critic Kurt Brokaw viewed everything available and selects Invisibles (above), Paul Sanchez Is Back!, and Raising Colors as favorites. Read those reviews here.

SUNDANCE 2019: Robert Machoian Graham

SUNDANCE 2019: Robert Machoian Graham

Filmmaker Robert Machoian recruited his father Bruce Graham and this three sons Arri, Ezra, and Jonah to create the short film The Minors. The Writer/Director/Producer spoke with Neil Kendricks about the end result: the film not only gave Machoian’s family an opportunity to combine quality time with creating cinematic art, but The Minors premiered at Sundance winning a Short Film Jury Award for directing. Not bad for a family with artistic aspirations finding an audience on the film-festival circuit.