
Distributor FAQ: FilmBuff 2014

Distributor FAQ: FilmBuff 2014

Get a sneak peek at one of the new additions to <i><a href=””>The Independent’s Guide to Film Distribution</i></a>: FAQ with FilmBuff CEO Janet Brown on the who-what-why of FilmBuff’s VOD-centered distribution mission.

New Directors/New Films 2014 – Critic’s Choice

New Directors/New Films 2014 – Critic’s Choice

Horror doesn’t scare our senior film critic Kurt Brokaw. Two cutting films make his cut (<i>Buzzard</i> and <i>The Babadook</i>) plus he returns to Romania’s cinema frontier with <i>QED</i> (that’s the short title) gets unfrozen in Greenland and takes a ride with the Phantom, Nick Cave.

Rendez-Vous With French Cinema 2014

Rendez-Vous With French Cinema 2014

“You may not be persuaded by a minute of it, but if you have a sweet tooth for French neo-noir, you can’t help but believe your lying eyes.” That’s senior critic, Kurt Brokaw, on his fourth consecutive year choosing a critic’s choice from Rendez-vous With French Cinema. Curious about which one he’s talking about? Read <a href=>more</a>.

10 to Watch 2014 Criteria and Nominating Jury

10 to Watch 2014 Criteria and Nominating Jury

<i>The Independent</i> is seeking nominations for our annual <b>10 to Watch</b> series from <b>you</b>! Our nominating jury leads the charge in our goal to honor 10 independent filmmakers who stop us in our tracks. Take a look at our criteria and send us your nominations by February 28, 2014.

Nick Cave's process in "20,000 Days On Earth." Photo by Amelia Troubridge.

Sundance 2014: Three Films Disturb the Peace

Despite the unavoidable Park City glitz, Neil Kendricks writes, “Sundance still provides a forum for much-needed cinematic troublemakers.” Read how three films in particular grabbed him by the collar, <i>Only Lovers Left Alive, 20,000 Days on Earth</i>, and <i>Rat Pack Rat</i>.