
An illustration, by artist Rebecca Mullen, from the documentary, The Story of the Stuff. Illustration courtesy of Rebecca Mullen.

10 Filmmakers to Watch in 2015: Ashley Maynor and Paul Harrill

What happens to the tangible outpourings of grief and support – such as letters and teddy bears – that pour in during the aftermath of a tragedy like the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown, Connecticut? Director Ashley Maynor and producer Paul Harrill follow the trail of condolence items in their interactive documentary, The Story of the Stuff.

10 Filmmakers to Watch in 2015: Katie Cokinos

10 Filmmakers to Watch in 2015: Katie Cokinos

Katie Cokinos returns to Austin, the scene of her ad-hoc film school in the red hot ’90s, for the world premiere of her directorial debut, I Dream Too Much, which puts her on our 10 to Watch for 2015. The Independent’s Steven Abrams caught up with her at SXSW to talk about the transition from script to screen and how in film, too, directors must kill their darlings.

10 Filmmakers to Watch in 2015

10 Filmmakers to Watch in 2015

Our 10 to Watch Filmmakers of 2015 all in one place! Every day for 10 straight days we’ll announce a new filmmaker to keep an eye on in the coming year. With the help of YOU plus industry colleagues, we’ve selected artists who are breaking new ground, either in their own career or in the form at large.