David Pierotti

Filmakers surrounding a fire pit at IVTFest

ITVFest 2015: A Dose of New Hollywood in Vermont

ITVFest’s executive director Philip Gilpin thinks the peaceful Vermont location adds an invaluable dimension to the festival focused on Internet entertainment. Plus, he said that when execs are shocked by the line-up because “what they’re seeing is better than what they are watching most nights on TV. A lot of these projects are screen ready.”

An art concept image from 1979 Revolution. Photo courtesy Ink Stories.

10 Filmmakers to Watch in 2015: Navid Khonsari and Vassiliki Khonsari

Game developer Navid Khonsari and filmmaker Bessie Khonsari join our 10 to Watch list with a genre-merging project, 1979 Revolution, a video game that aims to evoke the empathy of film. Navid and Bessie Khonsari participated in the New Frontier Story Lab at the Sundance Institute in 2014 and 1979 Revolution appeared as an exhibit in Sundance Film Festival’s New Frontier and at SXSW in 2015.