Making Films

Kenyatta Cheese delivering keynote, picture Tweeted by @triciawang.

Tribeca 2014: Interactive’s Audience Now Has an Audience

From playing the giant piano inspired by <i>Big</i> to starting to fan stalk other media fans, Tribeca’s cutting edge Innovation Week brought all things transmedia (and more) to the forefront of the conversation, and better yet, to the hands-on Interactive Playground. Senior producer Maddy Kadish was on the scene.

Cinematic Lessons From a Cold War Era

Cinematic Lessons From a Cold War Era

Kurt Brokaw matches Thom Andersen and Noël Burch’s tour de force of clips in their 1995 documentary <i>Red Hollywood</i> with a likewise ambitious recap of those clips. Film students take note, thanks to McCarthy, you haven’t seen everything yet, but this doc will help you get there. Screening at Film Society of Lincoln Center August 15-21, 2014.